The Buccaneer is an independent student-run publication. The views expressed in articles, opinions, and editorials belong solely to the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Barry University, its board of trustees, administration, faculty, staff, or students. While the Buccaneer strives for accuracy, it cannot guarantee the completeness or timeliness of information presented on the Buccaneer website. Readers are encouraged to critically evaluate all content and consult multiple sources for verification. Barry University is not liable for any acts or omissions arising from the use or misuse of information provided on this platform.
The Buccaneer
The Buccaneer is the campus newspaper and part of the integrated student media offerings headquartered in the Department of Communication at Barry University in Miami Shores.
To acquaint students with how media operate in the digital era and allow them to gain experience in the operation of multiple kinds of media, Buccaneer operations are integrated with other campus media, including campus radio, The Mix, 99.5FM, and Btv, the campus cable station.
Like all campus media at Barry University, the Buccaneer is student managed and student produced and is focused on a community media model of socially engaged journalism. As student reporters we adhere to the highest standards of journalism as we strive to keep university members and other readers informed about and engaged with issues that are vitally important to the community. We seek to inform and entertain as we fulfill our vital role as caretakers of democracy.
Our activities as journalists are also informed by the Barry University mission, which focuses on four core commitments of Knowledge and Truth, Inclusive Community, Social Justice, and Collaborative Service
As a campus resource, positions on the Buccaneer and other campus media are open to all students.
We are always happy to hear from our readers with questions, comments on our reporting, or suggestions for stories. Please feel free to contact us.

Layout Editor
Willima Nguyen
Assistant Graphics Editor
Jimmy Muniz Jr
Web Editor
Anna Galaktionov
Copy Editor
Brianna Lopez
Advertising Representative
Shanieya Harris
Staff Writers
Isabel Pulgarin
Jimmy Muniz Jr
Liz Calvo
Suzannah Young
Amanda Gonzalez Garcia
Brianna Lopez
Jessica Espinoza
Liam Bouza
Shanieya Harris
Staff Photographers
Jimmy Muniz
Ashley Mobley
Amanda Gonzalez Garcia
Faculty Adviser
Tiffani Knowles