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Updated: Nov 10, 2023

By Kean Huy Alado

Students at Barry seek only one thing: success. But what if that success was in danger? Recently, tech companies such as Amazon, Facebook's parent company Meta, and Twitter are likely beginning to rely severely on software for their needs. This was speculated from the tens of thousands of employees they let go with an estimation of 192,000 workers, according to

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As of January, Microsoft announced 10,000 job cuts and Google declared 12,000. So, with this recession of demand for careers, which jobs will remain in high demand in the future?

The Career Office at Barry attempts to answer this question. Director John Moriarty, Career Counselors Eleanor Chappell and Ayanna Young, and Manager of Employer Relations Alex Herrera all came together to deduce this hierarchical list of the top careers they believe can resist the upcoming recession.

Top Ten Careers

1. Medical Health Care

2. Mental Health Care

3. Cyber Security

4. Government

5. Education

6. Energy

7. Transportation

8. Food

9. Farming/Agriculture

10. Business Services

The first two bring attention to careers that focus on the safety and wellness of humans. This should not be affected significantly due to the inevitability of the sick in society and, therefore, healthcare workers. In both mental and physical aspects, health care workers are in heavy demand.

Photo Credit to Barry University

According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the total supply of registered nurses decreased by more than 100,000 from 2020-2021. This decrease was the largest drop in the last four decades. Luckily, Barry’s nursing program is one of the university’s most popular that graduates competent nurses.

According to the faculty in the Barry School of Nursing, eight accelerated nursing majors will be graduating this May and forty-two traditional nursing majors will graduate in the summer. These students are all undergraduates and will be looking forward to energetically filling the job vacancies.

Psychology freshman Julie Guevara was glad to hear that her major will help her in the future job market.

“I am very enthusiastic that mental health care is in the top three of the list. Mental health care is something that definitely needs to be brought up more and be more available to people across the world,” she said. “I’ve met a lot of other peers who are majoring in psychology, and it makes me super hopeful about our future in mental health care.”

Although there is a recession because of new, ever-changing software, attention should be brought to the jobs created by this push to a digital society. Cybersecurity is recession-resistant for this reason.

Photo Credit to Barry University

Computer science freshman Calvin Anton understands the effects of the recession in his career path and said in his field, “there’s always something new as computers are evolving by the second.”

He is enthusiastic about the availability of jobs and said it keeps him pursuing a career in that industry.

When looking at careers in government, many options are available: civil engineers, law enforcers, and judicial positions are all examples of potential careers. Since a country relies on feet on the ground to direct it, the surge of AI software is unlikely to displace jobs in that sector.

And the same principle can be applied to education. Society will always need teachers.

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According to the National Education Association, the ratio of educator hires to job openings have been below 1 since 2017. As of 2022, the ratio stands at 0.55. According to the Adrian Dominican School of Education, Leadership, and Human Development, there will be 12 undergraduates and around 270 graduate-level students receiving their education diplomas this May.

The energy sector will also suffer minimal losses due to its production and deliveries only humans could accomplish. Careers in transportation share a similar characteristic as people will always need to get from point A to point B safely.

Careers in the food and grocery industries and agriculture will also remain steady for the most part as will business services such as accounting and communication departments.

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A commonality within these careers is their priority and importance to modern society; these careers are essential and require human involvement.

“There's a big shortage of labor and whether it be because of COVID, whether it be because of the retiring of the baby boomers and the demographics right now, there is still a labor shortage. And typically, when you hit a recession and people are getting laid off but right now, even with rising interest rates, we’re not seeing the number of layoffs that we would typically see in a recession, so that’s a good sign for students who are going to be graduating now,” said Moriarty.

He indicates graduating students should be able to find a job relatively easier than during other recessions, no matter the career choice.

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